Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Bowflex Fit Tip | Your Fitness Comfort Zone :Part 2

Last month we talked about "Getting Out of Your Fitness Comfort Zone." For those of us that are already in a regular workout routine that didn't make the traditional fitness or weight loss resolutions in January, we can still find ways to add variety and mix up variables to push yourself to the next level. Today let’s discuss one of my favorite ways to do this: Compound Exercises. Simply put, a compound exercise is a movement that works multiple muscle groups at once. So by definition, multi-joint exercises like squats, deadlifts, and pushups are compound movements. Chances are, you’re already doing many of these in your regular workouts. But beyond that, a compound exercise also refers to putting two different exercises together, such as a lunge and curl, or a plank with a row. Read more about this and other Fit Tip articles on our blog at: COMPOUND EXERCISE WORKOUT Bicep curl & Squat Staggered Dead lift & Row Lunge & Overhead Press Bridge & Tricep Press Chest Press & Bicycle Plank Row & Rotation Bowflex February 04, 2020 at 11:29PM

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