Tuesday, July 31, 2018

IR Connecting Cable Stereo to Mono (CS-IRCC) - by Metra Home Theater Group

Brent McCall from Metra Home Theater Group introduces the new IR Connecting Cable Stereo to Mono the CS-IRCC. The CS-IRCC features 3.5 mm stereo plug to 3.5 mm mono plug and a cable length is 1 meter (3.28 ft). Learn more at https://ift.tt/2OyN8PJ https://ift.tt/2AsbQ1z Metra Home Theater Group July 31, 2018 at 01:29PM

IR Kit With 1 Bar Receiver and 4 Emitters (CS-IRKIT1US) - by Metra Home Theater Group

Brent McCall from Metra Home Theater Group introduces the new IR Kit the CS-IRKIT1US. The CS-IRKIT1US works with major US IR repeating systems, it transmits and receives frequency ranges of 38 KHz & 56KHz. The CS-IRKIT1US features multiple inputs for IR receivers, a 6 port IR connecting block, 4 IR emitters with a cable length of 3 meters (9.84ft) and a 12 volt power supply. Learn more at https://ift.tt/2OvRlnv https://ift.tt/2At3ZRa Metra Home Theater Group July 31, 2018 at 01:29PM

IR Connecting Block (CS-IRCB1US) - by Metra Home Theater Group

Brent McCall from Metra Home Theater Group introduces the new IR Connecting Block, the CS-IRCB1US. The CS-IRCB1US features 4 mono mini outputs, screw terminal input and supports multiple IR receivers (IR1 & IR2). Learn more at https://ift.tt/2Ow0gp1 https://ift.tt/2Az7HbQ Metra Home Theater Group July 31, 2018 at 01:28PM

HDBASET 2.0 HDMI® Extender 70M (CS-HDBTPOE2-70) - by Metra Home Theater Group

Brent McCall from Metra Home Theater Group introduces the new HDBASET 2.0 HDMI® Extender, the CS-HDBTPOE2-70. The CS-HDBTPOE2-70 supports HDMI® 2.0 and HDCP 2.2 along with resolutions up to 4k @ 60Hz HDR, bidirectional RS232, bidirectional IR pass back 20-60Hz with included IR receiver and emitter and is wall mountable. It is compatible with CAT5e/CAT6/CAT6A and has a transmission distance up to 70M/230FT over CAT6. https://ift.tt/2AsbJTH Metra Home Theater Group July 31, 2018 at 01:28PM

HDMI® Single Extender 4K @ 60Hz (CS-HDC5EXT4K) - by Metra Home Theater Group

Brent McCall from Metra Home Theater Group introduces the new HDMI® Single Extender, the CS-HDC5EXT4K. The CS-HDC5EXT4K will allow you to extend a 4k @ 60HZ (Non-HDR) signal over category cable with a transmission distance up to 60M/196FT over CAT6. It supports HDMI® 2.0 and HDCP 2.2 along with IR pass back 20-60Hz with included IR receiver and emitter. The CS-HDC5EXT4K is compatible with CAT5e/CAT6/CAT6A and is wall mountable. Learn more at https://ift.tt/2AsbIz7 https://ift.tt/2mY8nxZ Metra Home Theater Group July 31, 2018 at 01:28PM

IR Bar Receiver (CS-IRBR1US) - by Metra Home Theater Group

Brent McCall from Metra Home Theater Group introduces the new IR Bar Receiver the CS-IRBR1US. The CS-IRBR1US works with major US IR repeating systems and receives a frequency ranges of 38KHz and 56KHz. It features a cable length of 3 meters (9.84 feet) and a 3.5 mm mono mini plug. Learn more at https://ift.tt/2AsbE2l https://ift.tt/2mVSl7U Metra Home Theater Group July 31, 2018 at 01:28PM

Alienware Mouse AW959

Gaming mouse with 12,000 DPI optical sensor from PixArt. Featuring redesigned side wings for improved grip and AlienFXâ„¢ with RGB lighting https://ift.tt/2AswM8s Alienware July 31, 2018 at 10:15AM

10-in-1 Office Multi-Tool (#32115)

The 10 -1 Multi-Tool gives you everything you will need in most office settings, making your job easier and more efficient while at work. Keep everything at your fingertips and have all your tools in one area. https://ift.tt/2AtAte6 https://ift.tt/2OwugkE BIC Graphic North America July 31, 2018 at 10:18AM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2mXMvmn General Electric July 31, 2018 at 10:31AM

Übersicht Penguin®

Bringen Sie Ihre Hand mit der beidhändigen vertikalen Maus Penguin® von Fellowes® in eine natürliche Position. Die Penguin® Maus wurde konzipiert, um die Probleme, die mit der Nutzung einer klassisch geformten Maus verbunden sind, zu lösen. Das Design beeinflusst die Unterarmposition - eine Standard Maus bringt die Hand in eine pronierte Position, sodass der Unterarm einer Einwärtsdrehung ausgesetzt ist. Der Wechsel zwischen links- und rechtshändiger Nutzung ist einfach und somit kann die Belastung auf beide Hände verteilt werden. Das präzise Scrollrad mit automatischer Scrollfunktion ermöglicht müheloses Navigieren. Für die optimale Passform ist der Penguin® in 3 verschiedenen Größen erhältlich (jeweils mit Kabel oder kabellos). Eingearbeiteter antibakterieller BioCote® Schutz bekämpft schädliche Bakterien und hält Ihren Penguin® länger frisch. Starten Sie jetzt und nutzen Sie die Plug & Play Technologie. Mehr zum Penguin® erfahren: https://ift.tt/2LCaXbL Fellowes Brands July 31, 2018 at 07:29AM

Penguin® Overview Video

Encourage your wrist into a natural, ergonomic position with the Penguin® Ambidextrous Vertical Mouse from Fellowes®. The Penguin® was designed to overcome the many problems that are associated with regular use of traditional shaped mice. Mouse design influences the forearm position - a standard mouse twists the wrist into an unnatural position. Easily switch the mouse between right and left-handed use and share the workload between both hands. The precision scroll wheel with auto scroll makes navigation effortless. The Penguin® is available in three different sizes for the most comfortable fit. Also available in wired and wireless versions. BioCote® Anti-bacterial protection keeps your Penguin® fresh and clean - perfect for the office environment. Get started right away with plug and play technology. View the Penguin® here: https://ift.tt/2vnUwoB Fellowes Brands July 31, 2018 at 07:29AM

Ratón ergonómico vertical Penguin®

Coloca tu muñeca en una posición natural y ergonómica con el ratón vertical ambidiestro Penguin® de Fellowes ®. El ratón con diseño vertical ergonómico Penguin® fue diseñado para evitar los muchos problemas que se asocian con el uso regular de ratones tradicionales. El diseño del ratón influye en la posición del antebrazo y los ratones estándares hacen que la muñeca esté en una posición antinatural. Diseño ambidiestro, su interruptor central permite la fácil transición entre el uso de diestros y zurdos. Base con desplazamiento simétrico que permite su uso com ambas manos. Está disponible en tres tamaños diferentes para ajustarse perfectamente a tu mano. También disponible en versiones con cable e inalámbricas. Protección antibacteriana Biocote® mantiene el ratón Penguin® limpio por lo que es perfecto para un ambiente de oficina. Dotado con la tecnología Plug and Play. https://ift.tt/2LCaVAF Fellowes Brands July 31, 2018 at 07:29AM

Présentation de la souris verticale Penguin® Fellowes®

Placez votre poignet dans une position naturelle et ergonomique avec la souris verticale ambidextre Penguin® de Fellowes®. Le Penguin® a été conçu pour surmonter de nombreux problèmes associés à l'utilisation régulière d'une souris standard. La conception de cette souris permet une meilleure position de l'avant-bras - en effet une souris standard tord le poignet et le positionne donc dans une position non naturelle. Passez du mode gaucher au mode droitier d'un simple clic afin de répartir la charge de travail entre les deux mains. La molette de défilement avec l'option du défilement automatique facilite la navigation. La souris Penguin® est disponible en trois tailles pour un ajustement optimal. Elle est aussi disponible en version filaire et sans fil. La protection antimicrobienne BioCote® garde votre souris Penguin® propre et saine - idéal pour un espace de travail. Commencez tout de suite à l'utiliser avec la technologie Plug and Play. Cliquez ici pour voir la souris Penguin®: https://ift.tt/2vnUv41 Fellowes Brands July 31, 2018 at 07:29AM

Presentazione di Fellowes Penguin

Incoraggia il tuo polso a mantenere una posizione naturale ed ergonomica con il Mouse Verticale Ambidestro Penguin® di Fellowes®. Penguin® è stato progettato per superare i vari problemi connessi all'uso regolare dei mouse di forma tradizionale. La forma del mouse influenza la posizione dell'avambraccio; un mouse standard contorce il polso in una posizione innaturale. Si può cambiare facilmente da uso destrorso e uso mancino, o suddividere il carico di lavoro tra entrambe le mani. Lo scroll di precisione rende la navigazione semplice. Penguin® è disponibile in 3 taglie differenti per adattarsi comodamente. Disponibile inoltre sia in versione con cavo che wireless. La protezione antibatterica BioCote® mantiene il tuo Penguin® fresco e pulito, perfetto per l'ufficio. Inizia subito ad usarlo grazie alla tecnologia plug and play.Guarda Penguin® qui: https://ift.tt/2LHXVcQ Fellowes Brands July 31, 2018 at 07:29AM

De Fellowes® Penguin® ergonomische muis

Stimuleer een natuurlijke, ergonomisch verantwoorde houding van de pols met de Penguin ergonomische muis voor zowel links- en rechtshandigen. . De Penguin® is ontworpen om zo vele problemen preventief aan te kunnen pakken die geassocieerd worden met het gebruik van de traditionele muis. Het ontwerp van de muis beïnvloed de houding van de onderarm - een standaard muis zorgt ervoor dat de arm op een onnatuurlijke manier wordt gedraaid. Het precisie scrollwieltje zorgt ervoor dat navigeren moeiteloos gaat. Met het "strikje" is het heel makkelijk om te wisselen tussen rechtshandige muis en linkshandige muis. De Penguin® is beschikbaar in drie verschillende groottes. Verkrijgbaar in een draadloze en bedrade versie. BioCote® antibacteriële bescherming houdt de Penguin® langer fris en schoon - perfect voor in de kantooromgeving. Snel aan de slag met de Penguin® door het Plug & Play principe. Bekijk de Penguin® hier: https://ift.tt/2vnUsVT Fellowes Brands July 31, 2018 at 07:29AM

Mysz Penguin® od Fellowes

Korzystając z obustronnej pionowej myszy Fellowes Penguin® zapewnisz prawidłowe położenie nadgarstków i wysoki komfort pracy przy komputerze. Penguin® został zaprojektowany tak, aby wyeliminować negatywne konsekwencje użytkowania tradycyjnej myszy. Jej kształt wpływa na ułożenie przedramienia - gdy używamy standardowej myszy nasz nadgarstek przekręcony jest w nienaturalny sposób do pozycji poziomej Penguin® można używać zarówno prawą jak i lewą ręką, tak, aby zmniejszyć obciążenie poszczególnych dłoni. Nawigację ułatwia precyzyjne kółko przewijania, którego kierunek można łatwo zmienić w zależności od używanej ręki. Penguin® dostępny w trzech różnych rozmiarach, co pozwala na dopasowanie myszy do wielkości naszej dłoni. Dostępne w wersji przewodowej i bezprzewodowej. Posiada wbudowaną ochroną antybakteryjną BioCote® zapobiegającą powstawaniu przykrego zapachu i rozwojowi bakterii na powierzchni myszki. Technologia Plug and Play sprawia, że mysz gotowa jest od razu do pracy. https://ift.tt/2LCaQNn Fellowes Brands July 31, 2018 at 07:29AM

Представляем мышь Fellowes® Penguin®

Обеспечьте естественное, эргономичное положение запястья руки во время работы при помощи симметричной вертикальной компьютерной мыши Penguin от Fellowes. Мышь Penguin была конструирована для того, чтобы избавить вас от проблем, связанных с регулярным использованием традиционных компьютерных мышей. Дизайн мыши влияет на положение предплечья - стандартная мышь поворачивает запястье в неестественное скрученное положение. Мышь подходит для правшей и левшей, нужно только переключить кнопку. Либо работайте обеими руками поочередно для равномерного распределения нагрузки. Колесо прокрутки высокой точности с автоматической прокруткой делает навигацию легкой. Мыши Penguin есть в 3 различных размерах, чтобы легко подобрать самый комфортный. Также доступны 2 варианта – в проводном и беспроводном исполнении. Антибактериальная защита BioCote поможет содержать мышь Penguin в чистоте и обезопасит вас от вирусов и бактерий. Технология «Подключи и работай» обеспечивает беспроблемное подключение и начало работы. https://ift.tt/2voTGYH Fellowes Brands July 31, 2018 at 07:29AM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2Owbzxu General Electric July 31, 2018 at 07:31AM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2LCOT0C General Electric July 31, 2018 at 04:31AM

Get to Know the New PowerShot SX740 HS

See how the combination of the superb 40x Optical Zoom and 4K video capabilities, as well as a variety of inspiring features, can help you get the perfect image, near or far. https://ift.tt/2NU0WmS CanonUSA July 31, 2018 at 01:20AM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2Ozsu2e General Electric July 31, 2018 at 01:31AM

Monday, July 30, 2018

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2mYEtd8 General Electric July 30, 2018 at 10:31PM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2vn3Ngn General Electric July 30, 2018 at 07:31PM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2Ar4Ema General Electric July 30, 2018 at 04:31PM

That “Like” Can Wait- Your House, My Rules | It Can Wait | AT&T

AT&T brings you a special episode of Your House, My Rules- where Mom learns that while driving, that “like” can wait. #ItCanWait Remember, please don’t drive distracted. To learn more about It Can Wait and to take the pledge to never drive distracted, go to ItCanWait.com SUBSCRIBE go.att.com/subscribe-yt About AT&T: Laugh, learn, discover. See your favorite products, services, customer stories, entertainment, and our innovations in action. Watch the new connected life unfold. Mobilizing Your World. Connect with AT&T Visit the AT&T Website: go.att.com/att Visit AT&T Time Warner: go.att.com/atttw Like AT&T on Facebook: go.att.com/att-fb Follow AT&T on Twitter: go.att.com/att-tw Follow AT&T on Instagram: go.att.com/att-ig Follow AT&T on LinkedIn: go.att.com/att-li Follow AT&T on Google Plus: go.att.com/att-gplus For Customer Care issues Tweet us: go.att.com/attcares-tw For Business Customer Care issues Tweet us: go.att.com/businesscare-tw That “Like” Can Wait- Your House, My Rules | It Can Wait | AT&T https://youtu.be/1HBd8SJrCiM https://www.youtube.com/att https://ift.tt/2OuFUfD AT&T July 30, 2018 at 01:17PM

SUPERGIRL SEASON 4: Red Daughter, Agent Liberty, TV’s First Trans Hero & More

What's more terrifying than an alien invasion? To answer that, you have to look inward as the highly anticipated fourth season of Supergirl will make clear. With the cast gathered for San Diego Comic-Con, we spoke with Melissa Benoist, Mehcad Brooks, David Harewood, Chyler Leigh, Katie McGrath, Jesse Rath and executive producers Jessica Queller and Robert Rover about what lies ahead for the Girl of Steel, including a much larger role for Brainiac-5, TV's first trans superhero, the menacing Agent Liberty and Supergirl's take on the classic Elseworlds story, Superman: Red Son. To watch the full Supergirl Season 4 Comic-Con trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1oxEDyd4WQ DC All Access is your connection to all of the latest DC news and announcements. Subscribe so you don't miss a segment, and be sure to visit DCComics.com for articles, features, character bios and more. https://ift.tt/2ApENej DC July 30, 2018 at 01:27PM

Cobra JumPack Charge Your Mobile Devices

Never be powerless with the Cobra Jumpack! https://ift.tt/2Ovu4lt Cobra Electronics July 30, 2018 at 01:26PM

Cobra JumPack Never Be Powerless

Never be powerless with the Cobra JumPack! https://ift.tt/2ApjnOs Cobra Electronics July 30, 2018 at 01:25PM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2mTyG8w General Electric July 30, 2018 at 01:31PM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2uYmWpw General Electric July 30, 2018 at 10:31AM

MB Quart RZR Rear Door Speakers - Part #2883116

Brian from MB Quart walks through the new rear RZR door speakers in store for 2018! Now there are MB Quart speakers for every door in the Polaris RZR 4P. Designed for off-road and perfectly integrated into the rear RZR upper door. MB Quart has been designing speakers for decades. You can hear the years of dedication in full effect with the sound quality and power performance in the RZR rear door speakers. The speakers are designed to be powered by the same RZR Dash Amplifier (2882122) that powers the front door speakers - AT THE SAME TIME. The amplifier provides plenty of power to push deep bass and clear highs through your door speakers and give your passengers the same audio thrill that you have in the drivers seat. The RZR Dash Amplifier is designed to mount inside the dash. This keeps it from being damaged by feet or items under the seat of the RZR. There is a simple "Y" or "splitter" harness included with the rear speakers so you can use one amplifier and run 4 doors (2 front and 2 rear). https://ift.tt/2mSlqko MaxxsonicsUSAInc July 30, 2018 at 07:25AM

MB Quart RZR Rear Door Speakers - Part #2883116

Brian from MB Quart walks through the new rear RZR door speakers in store for 2018! Now there are MB Quart speakers for every door in the Polaris RZR 4P. Designed for off-road and perfectly integrated into the rear RZR upper door. MB Quart has been designing speakers for decades. You can hear the years of dedication in full effect with the sound quality and power performance in the RZR rear door speakers. The speakers are designed to be powered by the same RZR Dash Amplifier (2882122) that powers the front door speakers - AT THE SAME TIME. The amplifier provides plenty of power to push deep bass and clear highs through your door speakers and give your passengers the same audio thrill that you have in the drivers seat. The RZR Dash Amplifier is designed to mount inside the dash. This keeps it from being damaged by feet or items under the seat of the RZR. There is a simple "Y" or "splitter" harness included with the rear speakers so you can use one amplifier and run 4 doors (2 front and 2 rear). https://ift.tt/2K573SZ MaxxsonicsUSAInc July 30, 2018 at 07:17AM

Polaris Ranger Audio Visor by MB Quart - Part number 2882888

Take a look at the brand new Ranger Audio Visor with Brian from MB Quart at the 2017 Polaris Dealer Show. This is a full Audio Visor designed to integrate seamlessly into the 2018 Polaris Ranger. The waterproof system (#2882888) contains an AM/FM Bluetooth® source unit in an integrated dash mount kit. The system includes a dash mounted external 300 watt amplifier and four 6.5 inch coax (2-way) speakers with integrated grills. The system is engineered to utilize the Polaris Pulse™ Electrical System which allows simple connectivity both within the vehicle and between components like amplifiers and speakers. Learn more: https://ift.tt/2mV3RAo https://ift.tt/2LC3SYD MaxxsonicsUSAInc July 30, 2018 at 07:24AM

Polaris Ranger Audio Visor by MB Quart - Part number 2882888

Take a look at the brand new Ranger Audio Visor with Brian from MB Quart at the 2017 Polaris Dealer Show. This is a full Audio Visor designed to integrate seamlessly into the 2018 Polaris Ranger. The waterproof system (#2882888) contains an AM/FM Bluetooth® source unit in an integrated dash mount kit. The system includes a dash mounted external 300 watt amplifier and four 6.5 inch coax (2-way) speakers with integrated grills. The system is engineered to utilize the Polaris Pulse™ Electrical System which allows simple connectivity both within the vehicle and between components like amplifiers and speakers. Learn more: https://ift.tt/2mV3RAo https://ift.tt/2K8o4vy MaxxsonicsUSAInc July 30, 2018 at 07:17AM

Polaris Ranger Door Speakers by MB Quart - Part number 2882889

Check out the new Ranger Door Speakers with Brian from MB Quart at the 2017 Polaris Dealer Show! These Door Speakers are designed to integrate seamlessly into the 2018 Polaris Ranger. The waterproof speakers (#2882889) are engineered to fit into the doors. These speakers require an amplifier or source unit to power them. For a discreet amplifier look at the 2883408. If you need a source unit solution there are several options. Consider the Ranger Dash Audio System 2882750 or the 2882888 Visor Audio System or a Bluetooth controller. https://ift.tt/2K7NqKi MaxxsonicsUSAInc July 30, 2018 at 07:24AM

Polaris Ranger Door Speakers by MB Quart - Part number 2882889

Check out the new Ranger Door Speakers with Brian from MB Quart at the 2017 Polaris Dealer Show! These Door Speakers are designed to integrate seamlessly into the 2018 Polaris Ranger. The waterproof speakers (#2882889) are engineered to fit into the doors. These speakers require an amplifier or source unit to power them. For a discreet amplifier look at the 2883408. If you need a source unit solution there are several options. Consider the Ranger Dash Audio System 2882750 or the 2882888 Visor Audio System or a Bluetooth controller. https://ift.tt/2LAuae0 MaxxsonicsUSAInc July 30, 2018 at 07:17AM

DJI - Behind the Scenes: gugudan SEMINA “SEMINA” Music Video

Go behind the scenes with ZANYBROS, one of the top production teams leading the globalization of K-pop. Follow along as they use the DJI Ronin-S to create beautiful shots for the music video “SEMINA,” performed by gugudan SEMINA. Buy Ronin-S today: https://ift.tt/2IWSWQ0 Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/dji Like us on Facebook: https://ift.tt/1Y5Aqbn Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DJI Follow us on Instagram: https://ift.tt/1eszlQt Website: http://www.dji.com/ https://ift.tt/2K6W9wf DJI July 30, 2018 at 07:29AM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2mZ3JQx General Electric July 30, 2018 at 07:33AM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2OtDy0I General Electric July 30, 2018 at 04:33AM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2mQhP6x General Electric July 30, 2018 at 01:30AM

Sunday, July 29, 2018

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2OsCdHC General Electric July 29, 2018 at 10:30PM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2AjQeUN General Electric July 29, 2018 at 07:33PM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2LVRRtc General Electric July 29, 2018 at 04:33PM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2NUFcYh General Electric July 29, 2018 at 01:32PM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2uXXOiI General Electric July 29, 2018 at 10:32AM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2M2ATtq General Electric July 29, 2018 at 07:30AM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2uXQ9Bh General Electric July 29, 2018 at 04:31AM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2LUHaai General Electric July 29, 2018 at 01:30AM

Saturday, July 28, 2018

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2LvfqNw General Electric July 28, 2018 at 10:30PM

The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox

From design to the final product, additive manufacturing is defying the expectations of what we can make. In fact, it’s almost paradoxical. Lighter but stronger, small yet complex, these paradoxes ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Subscribe to the GE Channel: http://invent.ge/1eGgvZK GE works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works. Connect with GE Online: Visit GE's Website: http://invent.ge Find GE on Google +: http://invent.ge/1dPUUN5 Find GE on Tumblr: http://invent.ge/17syCNf Find GE on Facebook: http://invent.ge/1929rzT Follow GE on Twitter: http://invent.ge/XJAX15 Follow GE on Pinterest: http://invent.ge/16JjInY Follow GE on Instagram: http://invent.ge/1a9XZGb Find GE on LinkedIn: http://invent.ge/1gtUi3e The Paradox Supercut | GE Additive Paradox https://ift.tt/2mW6m5D General Electric July 28, 2018 at 07:32PM